By default, the cell pointer moves down when you press Enter. Selecting the cell immediately below the current one won't always be what you need. For instance, some people enter data from column to column. You could press the Right Arrow key instead of Enter, but out of habit, most of us reach for Enter. Even if you can retrain yourself (or users) to use the arrow keys, they're far enough away from the main keys to slow down data entry.
Fortunately, you can change the cell pointer's default direction. Chose Options from the Tools menu and then click the Edit tab. Select the Move Selection After Enter check box (if necessary) and then choose a direction from the option's drop-down list. For instance, to move from column to column, you might choose Right instead of Down.
While entering data, you can temporarily force the cell pointer to move in the opposite direction by holding down the Shift key while you press Enter.