Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tip # 17 Convert rows to columns & viceversa

You can convert rows to columns (and columns to rows) by highlighting the cells you want to switch around, clicking on Edit, Copy, selecting a new cell and then going to Edit, Paste Special Finally, place a tick in the Transpose box on the dialog box and click on OK.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tip # 16 Double-click your way to fast formatting

By default, when you copy text from a different program (such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint®, or even Microsoft Internet Explorer) and paste it into an Excel cell, the original formatting comes along for the ride. Sometimes this leaves you with a tiny little cell with GIGANTIC FORMATTING that you need to fix by hand.

The Paste Options button that looks like this:

pops up, and you can use it to keep the original formatting or to match the destination formatting (that is, the formatting you've chosen for your cell). However, if you're like me (or want to be like me — aren't you sweet), that is just too many steps if you know that you want to match the formatting of the cell. This is especially true if you have a lot of cutting and pasting to do.

To paste text from another program and keep your cell's formatting

Select the text you want to pop into your Excel worksheet.

Press CTRL+C.

Switch back to Excel.

Double-click in the cell, and press CTRL+V.

It's like magic in a click (or two).

Tip # 15 A change of scenery: Move or copy a worksheet

You may know that you can just drag and drop a worksheet to a different spot in the workbook. But for you folks who get joy from dialog boxes (and truthfully, this one gives you more options), here you go:

To move or copy a worksheet

Right-click a tab, and then click Move or Copy on the shortcut menu.

In the Move or Copy dialog box, you have options: To move the worksheet to a spot within its own workbook, select a sheet in the Before sheet box.

To move the worksheet to another open workbook, select the workbook in the To book list and then click OK.

To keep a copy of the worksheet you're moving in this workbook (rather than just moving it), select the Create a copy box.

Tip # 14 To color all sheets in the workbook

To color all sheets in the workbook

Right-click any worksheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets on the shortcut menu.

Right-click the tab again, and then click Tab Color on the shortcut menu.

Again, go wild.

To rename a worksheet

What would Westerns and action films be like today if Marion Michael Morrison hadn't changed his name?

Right-click a tab, and then click Rename on the shortcut menu.

Tip # 13 Make a style statement with worksheet tabs

If you have a workbook with loads of worksheets and you're having trouble remembering which one is which, you can customize the little tab at the bottom of each worksheet to identify it in a special way, with a new name or color. It's like getting to design your own nametag instead of having to wear the standard, white "Hi My Name is....." tag.

Note You must be using Microsoft Office Excel 2003 or Excel 2002 to color a worksheet tab.

To color one sheet

Right-click the tab you want to color, and then click Tab Color on the shortcut menu.

Go wild.

Tip # 12 Stretch out: Insert a line break in a cell

In most other Office programs, to move the cursor to the next line, you press the ENTER key. However, in Excel — the program that dances to its own tune, and doesn't give a whit about lines or paragraphs — you end up in the cell below when you press ENTER. This is the cause of much frustration in my readers, so I thought I'd let you in on the not-so-secret secret.

To insert a line break in a cell

Press ALT+ENTER to start a new line while you're typing or editing data. you have room to breathe in that tiny cell.